
拜登总统的8月16日th 签署《bet9平台游戏》, 7390亿美元的税收, 气候, 医疗保健, 能源定律, is changing the landscape for Americans interested in buying an electric vehicle (EV). 

The law replaces a previous EV 税 break with a new set of credits called the Clean Vehicle Credits, which are dependent upon w在这里 the vehicle is assembled and w在这里 key vehicle components are manufactured


1月1日起投入使用的电动汽车, 2023, IRA延长了7美元,500美元的税收抵免,为期10年,截止到12月31日, 2032. The exact amount of the credit will be based on a calculation that considers factors such as the vehicle’s sourcing and assembly.

此外, 使用 电动汽车最终将获得一项单独的税收抵免. To qualify, the 使用 EV must be at least two years old and not being purchased for resale. 符合条件的信贷将为4,000美元或二手电动汽车价格的30%的较低者.


  • 其他符合条件的“清洁汽车”——氢燃料电池汽车, plug-in hybrids with four to seven kilowatt hours of battery capacity and commercial clean vehicles
  • 从2024年开始, consumers have the option to take the EV credit as a discount at the time of purchase vs. 等到交税的时候才能领取抵税额


What if you have a written, binding sales contract for an EV, but have not received the vehicle yet?

The IRA includes a “transition rule” by which any customer who entered into a “written binding contract for purchase” of a new EV before August 16, 2022年(法律生效之日), 可以选择采取旧的税收抵免和符合旧的规则, 即使车辆在1月1日之后交付, 2023.  账单的语言中没有明确提到客户预订, 但是5%的定金和签订的合同是.

对于任何在8月16日之间签订电动汽车销售合同的消费者, 2022年和12月31日, 2022, the credit eligibility is subject to the new North America assembly requirements, 但是老的200,电动汽车销售上限.

Once a manufacturer hits the 200,000-vehicle sold cap, the credit drops to 50% and eventually zero. Today General Motors and Tesla have reached the manufacturer cap and are not currently eligible for the Clean Vehicle Credit through December 31, 2022.

这意味着如果你今天想买一辆新的雪佛兰Bolt, 美国制造的电动汽车, 它将没有资格获得清洁车辆信贷. 但如果你等到1月1日, 2023, 那些老200,2000辆限行规定将会消失, 你可以再次获得电动汽车税收抵免的资格.

Steps and rules to consider today in determining eligiblity and maximizing your credit 

So now that you have the new Clean Vehicle 税 Credit background and you’re in the market for a new EV since August 16th; 在这里 are 4 steps to help determine your eligibility and maximize your credit.

1. 你的收入很重要

既然你已经找到了完美的EV, 获得清洁汽车信贷的最后一个障碍是收入上限.  1月1日开始, 2023, 如果报税人的收入低于150美元,他们就有资格获得税收抵免,000, 户主低于225美元,如果他们的总收入少于300美元,他们可以申请联合纳税人,000.

2. 电动汽车组装必须在北美

截止到今天(这个名单还会继续增长), 有30多辆清洁汽车在北美组装,可以找到 在这里 在能源部的网站上.  如果EV未列出, the assembly location can also be determined by typing in the VIN at the bottom of the 网站.

3. 20万辆的销售上限将于2022年12月31日到期

一些在北美组装汽车的制造商已经卖出了200辆,000个单位将有资格获得减少信贷或根本没有信贷. 这些电动汽车也可以看到在 能源部的 网站. 美国国税局有一份合格车辆和信贷额度的清单 在这里 sorted by manufacturer for EVs purchased and delivered before December 31, 2022.  20万辆的销售上限将从2023年1月1日起取消.

4. 电动汽车的最终购买价格将从2023年1月1日开始生效

价格超过55美元的新型电池电动汽车,000人没有资格获得清洁车辆税收抵免. New electric SUVS, vans and pickup trucks that cost more than $80,000 are ineligible.  也没有, t在这里 is not inflation adjustment for future years and final vehicle price matters (so all add-on packages impact eligibility).


Added battery manufacturing complexities to 2024 and beyond – 2 additional steps

T在这里 is an important nugget on 页面 366 of the IRA that adds battery component requirements beginning January 1, 2024年,这已经让汽车制造商头疼了.

根据新规定, 电池组件来自“外国关注实体”的电动汽车,比如中国(大部分电池部件和矿物来自中国)。, will no longer qualify for the 税 credit if they are placed in service after January 1, 2024.  如果电池只含有来自这些国家的矿物质,而没有其他成分, 从明年1月1日起,该车将不再符合资格, 2025.

清洁车辆税收抵免中对电池的要求是什么?  它怎么能限制我七千五百美元的信用额度呢?

1月1日前上市的电动汽车, 2024年必须超过40%的电池组件在北美组装的门槛. 2024年上市的电动汽车必须超过50%. 从这里开始:

  • 2025年上市的电动汽车占60%
  • 2026年上市的电动汽车占70%
  • 80%的电动汽车将在2027 - 2028年上市
  • 2029年上市的电动汽车100%

让我们来分析一下. 现在是2024年,你要买一辆在北美组装的电动汽车. If 41% of its battery components are assembled in the region as wellyou have met half of the EV 税 credit criteria and will be eligible for $3,750.



就像电池组件组装一样, the law tackles the problematic issue of w在这里 the raw materials 使用 in the battery come from.

2024年之后, 任何含有被提取的“关键矿物质”的交通工具, 加工过的, 或者在“外国实体关注”中回收,将不符合电动汽车税收抵免的另一半, so $3,750.

That same year, the law has a percentage requirement for w在这里 these critical minerals come from. 简而言之, a certain percentage of critical minerals must be extracted or 加工过的 in countries with which the U.S. 有自由贸易协定吗.

The percentage requirement can also be met if they have been recycled in North America. That recycling part is going to become even more important as these percentages increase, 对于电池回收公司来说,这可能是一笔大生意. 


  • 到2023年底,40%的关键矿产
  • 50% in 2024
  • 60% in 2025
  • 70% in 2026
  • 2026年后80%

该法律列出了一长串关键矿物,包括锂, 石墨, 钴, 镍, 和锰.


根据 汽车创新联盟在美国,目前有72款电动汽车可供购买. 

在这些车型中,只有22款符合新的清洁汽车税收抵免规定. By 2029, 当额外的采购限制生效时, 现在没有电动汽车有资格享受全额补贴. 大家可以想象, the pressure will continue to mount for automakers to curb reliance on “foreign entities of concern” and pave a path forward to a battery powered future.

Schneider Downs 汽车 bet9平台游戏 Group will continue to monitor guidance relative to the new Clean Vehicle 税 Credit. 有关信贷的详细指导意见预计将在年底前发布. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to any of our Schneider Downs Auto Advisors at (电子邮件保护) 用于会计、税务、技术和商业咨询的需要.


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欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 汽车工业集团 页面. 


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