
说到税收, 初创公司往往低估了税务筹划的重要性, 遵守和执行有效的税务策略. 

Startups tend to invest less in this area because they are usually not in a 税able income position in their initial years while they are focused on developing and refining products, 过程和想法. 然而, this mindset might cause them to miss out on valuable credits and future 税 savings, 这甚至可能给公司未来带来潜在的税务问题. Below are five common 税 considerations startup companies often overlook:

1. 研究和发展(R&D)税收抵免

Startups heavily invest in re搜索 and development activities to develop new products or services. 这些费用可能有资格获得宝贵的税收抵免. 不幸的是, many companies overlook these opportunities because they believe they will not have 税able income to utilize these credits. 对一些企业来说, R&D税收抵免 是否可以用来抵扣雇主部分的工资税. 即使企业不能用R抵销其工资税义务&D税收抵免, unused credits can carry forward and provide future 税 savings to startups.

2. 税务遵从及申报 

如前所述, startup businesses often disregard 税 credits because they do not anticipate 税able income. 因此, startups also often fail to realize the importance of being compliant with all federal, 外国, 状态, 以及当地的税收法规.

税收complianc规则、要求和报告是复杂且不断发展的. It is crucial that startup businesses work with qualified professionals who understand these rules. 为客户提供创新产品和bet9平台游戏的企业, hiring remote employees or operating in several 状态s (or even 外国 jurisdictions), the 税 reporting requirements applicable to the business can become extremely complex. Noncompliance with these regulations can create issues for businesses in the startup phase—and as the business matures.

Noncompliance with 税 requirements can negatively affect a business during due diligence, 当公司寻找潜在的投资者或买家时. Buyers and investors might decide not to proceed with a deal if they think they might face future penalties, 因公司违反税务规定而被罚款或承担法律后果.

3. 州和地方税收优惠 

许多州和地方政府已经发展起来 州税和地方税 为吸引和支持创业提供信贷和激励方案. 这些计划可以包括免税、降低税率和税收抵免. 这些程序经常被创建和更新, 包括致力于创新理念的公司, 特别是那些与新兴技术有关的. It is important for startups to work with a 税 professional who can identify the programs that can benefit their company.

4. 股权薪酬计划

对于创业公司来说, 吸引和留住有才能的员工是至关重要的, 尤其是在竞争激烈的就业市场. Equity compensation plans are a way for startups to attract new talent and encourage employees to stay with the company. 通过给予员工公司的经济股份, these plans motivate employees to perform well and reward them for their performance. 有很多方法可以构建这些计划, and these plans can provide 税 benefits for both the company and the employees.

5. 实体类型 

Choosing the legal structure for a new company is one of the first and most important decisions a business must make. 虽然简单性和成本通常会影响这一决定, it is important to consider the larger impact this decision has on your business. 每种实体结构都有其税收优势和劣势, and the future goals and plans for the business must be considered when making this decision. A qualified 税 professional can provide guidance when making this decision.

These are just five of the many 税 concepts that startups should consider. The most important thing for startups is to work with a qualified 税 professional and other advisors during the early stages of their company. 税收规则, 法规和激励计划也在不断发展, and the only way to ensure that a company is fully compliant with the rules and fully benefiting from available programs is to work with advisors who are specialized in these areas.

If you have any questions about 税 matters for an early-stage or startup company, 请与团队联系 (电子邮件保护).


This article is part of a series exploring the complex business challenges startup and early-stage companies may encounter as they grow. 其他条款包括:


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